Looking to refresh your home’s exterior in 2024?

February 29, 2024
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You’re not alone! As the year unfolds, new trends are emerging in the world of exterior paint, offering a chance to boost your curb appeal and create a truly unique space. At Henry’s Painting & Contracting, we’re passionate about helping homeowners achieve their vision, and we’re here to guide you through the latest trends in exterior painting for 2024.

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  • Embrace Bold Accents: Move beyond neutrals and embrace bold accent colors in 2024. Deep, rich tones like emerald green, burnt umber, and navy blue are making a splash, adding personality and character to your home’s exterior. Pair these bold colors with lighter neutrals for a balanced and visually appealing look.
  • Natural Inspiration: Nature continues to inspire in 2024, with earthy tones like sage green, terracotta, and sand becoming increasingly popular. These colors create a sense of warmth and tranquility, reflecting the beauty of the natural world and creating a connection with your surroundings.
  • Welcome the Dark Side: While bold accents are gaining traction, darker shades are also making a statement in 2024. Consider charcoal grey or even black for your front door or shutters, adding a touch of sophistication and drama to your home’s exterior. Remember, proper balancing with lighter elements is crucial to avoid an overpowering effect.
  • Sustainable Solutions: As environmental consciousness grows, sustainable practices are becoming increasingly important in the painting industry. Look for paints manufactured with low VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and recycled materials. These eco-friendly options not only contribute to a healthier environment but often offer exceptional durability and performance.
  • Professional Touch Makes a Difference: While DIY projects are tempting, entrusting your exterior painting to experienced professionals like Henry’s Painting & Contracting ensures a flawless finish that lasts. We use high-quality paints, prioritize meticulous preparation, and possess the expertise to handle even the most challenging projects.

Ready to transform your home’s exterior and embrace the latest trends in 2024? Contact Henry’s Painting & Contracting today for a free consultation and quote. Our team of experienced painters is dedicated to providing exceptional service and exceeding your expectations.
